Posts Tagged ‘triathletes’


My swims have been neglected lately I feel, but I hope to be back in routine with it again now too. Friday was endurance swim, so continuous and steady was the order of the day, Katherine, Barry and Chris were my swim buddies. As is the case with all 3 disciplines, some company makes the time go in much quicker so I’m glad they love the 6:30am start time too 😉

After a few hard hours in the velodrome, I was ready to get back in action on the roads. I was only off my flight home about an hour and I had planned some bike time with Shane. We made our way along the Coast Road and back which is an enjoyable speedy out and back course with little or no wind, it’s always a good thing when it’s calm 🙂 I hadn’t cycled with Shane recently so it was great to get a chat with him too. I finished with 35 miles and my average was over 17mph from what I can remember.

My next cycle was tough, on my own this time, and I haven’t tackled it this year yet so I was eager to get up it. The tough but amazing climb of Bishops Road. It seems never ending and it burns the thighs, A LOT! The view from the top of Binevenagh makes it all worthwhile though that’s for sure. If the view doesn’t make it worthwhile, the free wheeling downhill surly will. Sitting at over 40mph on those tiny thin wheels gives me a rush of adrenaline, I love it. My maximum is 47mph and this summer I hope to find a hill good enough to let me break 50mph.

To the viewing point and back home, is a perfect 20 mile round trip, and I used this as a brick session. I made it a very quick transition to replicate a race, and I went for a 2 mile run. I hadn’t done any brick sessions lately and I was surprised when I ended with a 6:47 average min/mile pace. Fingers crossed this progression and momentum in my training keeps going 🙂


I feel I’ve finally got back on track for my marathon training, some previous injuries seem to have cleared up and all is good. Though I may be on track, I’m still slightly behind schedule, I’ve had to skip a few important run sessions, and jump up the miles much quicker than I’d like. BUT, the fact I’m running again I’ll not complain.

My smaller miles have been decent, managing to fit some tempo runs in, instead of hard intervals don’t seem to be as taxing on me which I’m pleased with, quicker recovery is now important. I managed a decent 10K run around Chorlton/Didsbury area, at 7:34 average min/mile pace, followed by a 4 mile run at 7:01 average pace. This gave me great confidence again, and as I’m only 4 weeks out from the Manchester marathon I had to jump to an 18miler on Saturday. Kevin and Barry were my running buddies for this, and to say I was in great company is an understatement, both have managed sub 3hr 10 minute marathons in the past.

We kept the route flat as possible, and the pace was my call (thanks lads). The craic was good, and as the stories of marathons and their experiences made time pass quickly. I did feel some discomfort with my shins within the first 6 mile, but as I got warmer and further into the run it disappeared, maybe it’s all in my head lol We ended mile 18 on 2hrs 30 minutes exactly, an average of 8:19 min/mile pace I believe. This was great, and if I can manage another long run I’ll be on the taper as of next week, how good is that 🙂 Maybe a PB is back on the cards 😉


It’s been way too long since I blogged, and I’ve many, many miles under my belt to tell you about between the 3 disciplines. Too many sessions to write about in depth, so I’m going to make a brief summer of my last 9 or 10 days.
The past 2 Tuesdays was as always the Triathlon Club swim. Our lane, now known to Katherine and I as ‘life in the fast lane’ 😉 was filled with banter as usual. The 2 young lads, both called Josh coincidently, lead all the short 50s leaving the 100-300m sets up to Katherine Thomas and I. Josh G said that anything over 100m was distance swimming in his eyes, lol Here I was thinking my 2.4mile Ironman swims were normal hahaha
Part of an ongoing joke between runners, cyclists, swimmers and triathletes is, ‘How do you know when you’re a triathlete?’ When you count everything in Km. This is now a weekly joke at the expense of poor Thomas, his nickname which might well stick is now ‘Tommy K’!! lol
Both Tuesday swims were around 1hr 15mins, and I rounded out the 2 hours with a 45 minute roller session on the bike at home. Nothing mad, just a steady cruise 🙂
Friday morning was my endurance swim in Templemore, an early alarm is never good, but I guess there’s nothing else for it. Katherine, Davy Gault, William and Barry (3 of the MAMILS) also made the early swim. The company makes such a difference on those long slogs up and down the pool.
Wednesday nights training for me is always interval running with Springwell Running Club. Last week was a trail run through the Roe Valley Country Park, more or a fartlek session rather than intervals which was actually really good I thought. Pitch black darkness with about 20 head torches in the woods was pretty cool I must say. I was having some trouble with my calf last week, so I couldn’t push at the front with my mate Decky as much as I’d liked to be honest, thinking of the bigger picture is more important I guess.
Last nights Intervals was really good, my calf felt decent again and the mixture of 100m, 200m, 300m and 400m sprints were superb. Colin as always, lays out a very well planned session, from proper warm ups, build phase and finally a hard main set. I was strong for most of the sprints and ran well at the front with Colin and Decky which was pleasing. I feel another 5K test might be on the cards very soon.
Saturday morning, and an early start was again the plan for the day. I was meeting Eddie and the Springwell lads for the weekend long run as part of the marathon plan. My scheduled miles was 15, everyone was more or less around the same, but a few different groups went at different paces. I found myself for most of it with Iain, Kenny, Ryan and Davy ‘the main man’ Macnicol 😉 The craic was good and the miles ticked along as quick as ever. Iain turned off along with me, and we ran the last 5 miles together back in the direction of the Leisure Centre. Job done, 15 miles 8:39 av min/mile pace. Happy enough for sure.
Thursday was time for a wee blast out on the road instead of the rollers, a good wee loop from my house around Myroe and well known ‘bridges’ is exactly 18 miles. There wasn’t much wind which was decent, probably the calmest it has been this year yet. I did however, managed to get soaked, I guess asking for no wind and no rain would be a bit much eh? Lol I finished with a pleasing 18.3mph av. Not as quick as last years times, but it’s definitely set the bench mark for this year so far.
Sunday was time to go long, the MAMILs were flatout on ‘whatsApp’ on Saturday evening. No wind and no rain was forecast, perfect I thought, let’s make the most of it and head to Portstewart. Chris was the only man keen to go long, everyone wanted 40 miles or else time was against them etc. The thought of a Morellis Mocha and a bun was in my mind though, and nothing would do till I got it.
Chris and I cycled along happy as Larry, the fog cleared and the winter sun shone bright, it was crisp and fresh and just 1 of those days that life felt good. The Morellis pit stop didn’t disappoint either!


The way home had a little head wind but nothing too bad, Chris was crafty and sat on my wheel most of the way home 😉 To be fair though, I felt strong and fresh right to the end so I didn’t mind taking the front. I had a total of 60miles at 16mph av. Of course doing 60 miles at this stage had a few questioning my reason for doing so, personally I’d say they were just jealous they missed out, lol. I replied with the usual answer…Because I can!!! 🙂

The weather is slowly starting to annoy me. If it’s not rain, it’s snow (both of which I can deal with to be fair) but those mixed with constant wind and frost/ice is the annoying part. Needless to say, I’m still trying to put in some decent sessions, I just like to rant about it now and again.

Wednesday was as usual, interval run training. The snow threatened all afternoon, but thankfully held off just with enough time for us to finish our set. Colin had yet again planned a ‘toughie’, it seems 400s are the bread and butter of interval training. Norwegian 200s or 400s or whatever distance it is, were mentioned once again, Decky and I have yet to nail it on head as to what part is the Norwegian, we think it’s the 1st 100m or maybe it’s the 1st 200m. I will confirm this 1 day 😉 Lol lol

The hour went in fairly quickly, as well and the ice, which brought an end to the running, last thing we needed was an injury. I finished off with a 15 min core workout, short and sweet but it done the trick.

Thursday seen loads more snow and wind, mixed with as usual rain/sleet. Luckily enough it was just a roller session on the bike for me. Tunes on and volume up, my kitchen was like a nightclub. Hard intervals really aren’t fun, but if I expect results in the summer, there really isn’t any other answer is there? haha I finished my hour with an average of 20mph, not too shabby!

Friday AM and the alarm went off at 5:40 for a swim set. Seriously hard to get out of bed, but it must be done. Friday is just my endurance set, so there’s nothing to crazy going on. Katherine and Barry also made the early swim, so I at least had some company. The water was soso cold, coldest I’ve ever felt it in the pool, Katherine is for wearing her wetsuit next time lol. We managed 2.5K in just under an hour, pleasing for sure. I think what got us through, was the thought of getting out of the cold water, that, or the thought of breakfast when we were done 😉


My mid week hours built up not too bad in the end. I will top that up later too, as I’ll be taking a core session for the Tri club. Busy times, but sure I love it. 🙂


As much as I love doing my own thing when it comes to running, I feel I’m not pushing myself as hard as my ability allows. So, there’s only 1 thing for it, and that’s to go along to an interval session on Wednesdays evenings that some Springwell and Triangle tri club members go to.

Gentle jog to warm up, with some high knees and repeats of a set of steps was the order of the day. Colin’s knowledge is second to none and his guidance is something I’m happy to take onboard.

Our main session was called, Norwegian 200s. Initially I was intrigued with what this might entail, and when explained it all made sense, focusing on running style to start with and then eventually working your way up from 75% effort to 100%. When putting it all together you really could feel the difference in your style of run, it was a great session I must say.

The craic was good, and I enjoyed getting out with a few mates again, getting a catch up with the likes of Davy and Chris. Chris’ running is top notch, so for me to try staying in his showdown will bring me on well I hope.

Now lets get this flight to Manchester, and get some new scenery to look at on my runs for a few days 🙂 laters….


As I pen this blog this morning, my shoulders and traps are tight, and refuse to loosen up anytime soon by the feel of it. Why’s this you might ask? Well, if you’re intrigued, it’s best you keep reading, as I’ll fill you in on my swim set that I will name THE IRONMAN SWIM SET OF DEATH!

As normal, Tuesday’s Tri Club swim, at Roe Valley Leisure Centre starts in the usual manner. We catch up on the banter with everyone, have a chat about a few sessions, and typically for this time of the year, it’s all about, did you enter this race… or that race etc etc! Thomas and I, thought we were among the 1st few in, only to realise Peter ‘the main man’ Jack was already in doing an extra warm up before the set even starts (all with a broken finger too)! Anyways, eventually, in come the lads who can manage to change a civilised conversation into a carryon with jokes and slaggin’ galore, who else of course, but Mervyn and Stevie Keown! 😉

Mervyn is the swim coach, and his sets are 1st class, and usually very enjoyable. This was of course until someone was smart last week and said it wasn’t enough, I’ve yet to find out who that was, but all fingers seem to point in Stevie’s direction, and I’m sure he said that as a joke to wined Merv up. Of course this means Merv’s set was going to kill us this week, and that’s exactly what it done, well to all of us bar 2 😉

The warm up was a steady 200meters, followed by a drill set with a mix of kicking, front crawl and back crawl. Then the build set, going in pairs side by side, it was 25m sprints, I was paired with Big Stevie (my roomie for last years Ironman). It was neck and neck between us and almost for all the 25m sprints we couldn’t tell who got to the wall 1st, but just for arguments sake, I’ll say I did 🙂

Now time for the main set, this might not look like much on paper, but believe me it’s a complete killer!

Main set:

7 x 50m

6 x 75m

5 x 100m

4 x 125m

3 x 150m

2 x 175m

1 x 200m

A total of 16 people started the main set over 3 lanes, my lane had 5, Thomas, Josh, Stevie, Jonny and of course moi! Each of us had our turn at the front, some for most of it (cheers T) some for none (good man Jonny)lol with Josh, Stevie and I taking a bit now and again. We plugged away at it, slowly the lengths were getting ticked off, a bit like the swimmers. By the time we got to the 2 x 175m it was just Thomas, Jonny and I left, and that’s out of all 3 lanes! Hahaha

The total for the night was 3800meters swum for Thomas and I (that’s Ironman distance)! I also thought Jonny was included in the 3 amigo’s who lasted the distance, but at the end he admitted, not the full warm up, and he skipped 1 of the 125m!! Tut tut Jonny. This leaves us with just the 2 survivors, Thomas and of course me. I must thank Thomas for taking the lead A LOT at the end, the drag pulled me through, good man T! Mervyn, you managed to kill off 14 out of 16… if you’re reading, please… never again bring the set now known as THE IRONMAN SWIM SET OF DEATH!!!


What a week of weather it’s been, the snow came and the training suffered ever so slightly, all because I’m such a kid and can’t stop playing in it. haha On Tuesday all I managed was my 1 hour roller session. I couldn’t make it to our Tri Club swim as I was too busy building a snowman with my nephews, I mean come on, it has to be done when the snow comes doesn’t it?

I did make up for it on Wednesday though, as the overnight snowfall was great, it called for a day off work. Pulling 3 boys on a sleigh up and down a hill was great training I thought. I had my Garmin on for curiosity, and just for an hour before lunch I managed 3.5 mile. Later that evening when the boys had had enough, the thaw had started and I managed a wee jog and a swim. My swim was decent, with the time I had, I managed a 1 mile swim in just over 30minutes, happy with that considering it’s only January.

Thursday is my ‘brick session’ of the week. The wind has settled and I went out for an hour on the MTB, head torch on with my wee flashing lights on the bike I headed along the back roads to a few lane ways I know, it’s not the craziest of MTBing but it done my job for an hour. Once home it was straight on with my Asics and out I went for a 5K run, again this wasn’t anything to write home about but it done the job.

As I write this, I sit sipping my recovery drink and eating a flapjack as I’m literally just out of the pool in Templemore. Friday mornings are going to be our endurance swim for a few of us MAMILs. Today I was joined by Gerard and Chris, who are keen to get some form back in the pool. I’ve maintained a bit of pool work this winter, so for the 1st time ever, I think I was the lead swimmer among us, yehaa! We had a good swim for an hour, and our pace was under 1:50 per 100m. I’ll enjoy it for a week or two, because both of these guys are great swimmers, and will no doubt kick my ass in no time! I must also add, they owe me £5 each for biggin’ them up right now! lol

Roll on the weekend, were (if the weather allows) I hope to get a good few miles on the bike tomorrow, and a long run on Sunday, exciting stuff eh?


OK, we all have plans and training patterns we like to follow. Not triathlon related but I came across this arguement online with a few guys trying to workout a plan for ‘every other day’!!!

This is really stupid but it sucked me in and I had to keep reading, have a look sure and remember there might even be 8 days in the week to train lol lol lol



The 1st of my midweek training was a swim session. I was nervous enough about it to be honest, because of my neck injury I couldn’t swim for 5 weeks. All seemed fine to get stuck back in though, and that’s exactly what I done.

Tuesdays TTC session was filled with the usual club members, which results in good craic while the lengths pass by. Mervyn always comes up with great sets and Tuesday was no different, it was the 1st time I’d ever done the 50m intervals for as long as my body could make it, within the time of course. It seemed like I was literally back in at the deep end, but I held on well and loved it.

Wednesdays was run time, and again lunch time was my opportunity to get something done. Time was limited though and all I could do was a wee 5K blast. The ‘weather bomb’ had arrived which was a bit annoying to say the least, but it’s December, we have to accept the wind and rain don’t we! Haha. My route was quite simply along the quay till I hit 2.5K and then turn. Pace was decent and I ended my run with a 6 min 40 sec average per mile, so I was happy for sure.

Thursday was bike night, and as usual for this time of year it consists of sitting indoors on the rollers. I’m really getting the hang of them now and I love it. I had a good 45min interval session with a good mixture of speed/time/resistance. I even managed to get over 40mph, so anyone that tells you rollers aren’t as good as turbo trainers for interval sets is either chatting rubbish or they’re scared! Take your pick 😉


With 1 thing or another, I’ve only had 2 training sessions this week. Though, I must say, both were tests, and the results were pleasing to say the least.

The 1st test I had, was a 750m time trial in the pool, with the Tri club. A few good sprint triathletes as usual, were keen to take the lead. I certainly wasn’t complaining, as I’ve done very little swimming worth talking about, so to hang on at the back, was about all I could manage anyways. Pace seemed comfortable enough thankfully, and I hung in there the very best. My time was 12mins 30 secs (give or take) so I was happy with this for sure, not a million miles away from my PB to be honest.

We also had a set to do afterwards, which was a struggle to say the least, shoulders were burning from the time trial. The sprinters had had enough mid way, which left Mark and I to carry on, and work hard to finish off the 2K. A tough session for sure, but it definitely gave me a little confidence about my swimming again thankfully.

Next up, was the dreaded 6x800m intervals, with 90seconds rest in between. I hadn’t done this session for a few months, as I worked hard on tempo runs and 400m sprints recently. From what I remember, my times a few months ago were between 3mins and 3mins 6secs. So realistically, if I’ve progressed at all, I’d need to better those times.

From work, the running track I use, is literally about a mile away, so it’s a pretty perfect situation to be honest. The usual run there at about 7:30 min/mile pace, a few stretches, and that has me ready to go as soon as I’m there.

  1. 2:55 felt great, but sure, I always do on the 1st Haha
  2. 2:54 not bad, still strong.
  3. 2:56 having to work hard.
  4. 2:56 again, this was tight going, but happy enough.
  5. 2:59 really hard work, pushed hard to keep it under 3 mins, felt sick.
  6. 2:59 this almost made me pass out never mind sick, had to bust myself to stay under 3 mins.

Keeping all of them under 3 minutes was really tough, but, beating all my times from my previous 800s pleased me big time. I literally plodded my way back to work, just about managing my 1mile cool down at 9min mile pace lol. I was delighted with the session though, and I have a feeling a 5k PB won’t be far away 😉



As the season is over, and races are done and dusted, I’ve decided to go through my season with pictures for something different.

It all started in January when I bought my new bike. Happy as Larry that day 🙂

new bike

I went to inspired cycling for a bike set up which was fantastic.



All winter/spring, it was cyle, cycle, cycle with Chris and Shane mostly.

Sundat cyclegroupcyce winterShane&chris cyclesat bike

The 1st race of the year was the Omagh half marathon. 1hr 35mins. Happy concidering we cycled 40 miles before hand to get there. hahaomagh half

Took part in a few parkruns in portrush and derry. My 5k PB still stands at 19mins 58 seconds.port parkrunparkrun derry

The 1st tri of the season was the Liam Ball. Finish time was 1hr 14mins.l ball tri

Mad as this may sound, I ran the Belfast marathon the very next day, finishing in 3hrs 35mins. Very happy with that! Heres me and my ‘wee’ 😉 cousin Eddie and our proud mums.bel mara

Next up was the Roe Valley tri, I finished with a time of 1hr 13mins. Again, very pleased.

rv tri swim

photo 2

photo 1

Outdoor swimming then started, the creggan ressie was visited on many occasions.RESSIE2

ressie chris

Evening cycling was also starting as the summer nights came in, Darrel and Keith even made it out a few times 😉thurs cycling darrel 7 keith

The half Ironman distance was next, 5hrs 10mins for the correct distance. Stupidly they had an extra mile to ruin at the end which pissed me off, A LOT.half iron

The Olympic distance tri in Portrush was next, Here are 3 happy men at the finish line, me, Tommy and Roger. My time was 2hrs 22mins, over the moon.

port olympic

The summer had finally arrived and I got many many long cycles (with buns and coffee stops) in with Gerard, good times!cycle with G

Then the big 1, the Ironman distance in July. Here me and Stevie checkout transition, and many happy faces welcomed me at the finish. My finished time was 12hrs 18mins, this was such a good race, I was a very happy man that day!

outlaw transitionmm&dadgrace outlaw

family outlaw finish

A night time swim was then next bit of fun I had. Here are a few MAMILs eager as ever.ressie 2

Then I got to give something back to the sport and helped out with our clubs junior tri.

kids tri

The Belfast half marathon was my last race of the year, PB 1hr 34mins. Very very happy. Here I am with Darrel and Aine who were also delighted with their 1st half marathon finish times.

bel half mara

Then its finally time to train for enjoyment and just tick over, a few pics from the runs I’ve had at the Roe Valley Country Park, a wee cycling selfie 😉 and my 1st ever puncture! haha


cpcycle instaCP1

wheel off