Archive for February 11, 2014

Workout of the Day – Cycling

Posted: February 11, 2014 in Uncategorized

Simple but effective workout here!👍

There is nothing as bad as the 1st day back at work after having your holidays! Yesterday was a tough 1. Holiday blues, Monday blues, the works. Tiredness also got to me by the end of the day! haha Luckily Mondays are rest days, after cycling Sunday, then with the new weeks training beginning on Tuesdays  there is nothing else for it than to put my feet up and chill.


Saying as last week was a little different with skiing, I had unfortunately neglected my core. So with that in mind, I blasted a very short and quick session at home before I finally made my sofa comfortable for a night of TV. I’m also trying to eat ‘clean’ as I was a little ‘bad’ on holidays. This was difficult, and I treated myself to the last of Ruths chocolate that she left at mine from the weekend. Thanks for that haha 😉 But now it’s all gone, and the real ‘clean’ eating can begin! A very early night was had and thankfully I did, I feel fresh and ready to attack this weeks training plans. Rest really is as equally as important as training 🙂
