Archive for February 6, 2014

What is a “proper runner”?

Posted: February 6, 2014 in Uncategorized

IronHolgs : The musings of a COLT Ironman

There was a time in my life when running around the block would have seemed like I was running a marathon. I remember those cold, breathless nights plodding in the dark aiming for just “one more lamppost” like it was yesterday. I saw a tweet last week saying if you can run x distance in x time then you are a proper runner and it got me thinking.

Is being a runner just about time and distance?

I guess on one basic level it is: we all strive to have a goal in mind, doesn’t matter if it’s 3 lampposts without stopping or a 100k race, doesn’t matter if it’s a sub 35 min 10k or a sub 40 min 5k but we do as runners think in time and distance because those things are the baseline set by running society and more widely society in general. Look at the health…

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