Seriously over eager to get back into the swing of things, saw Andrea and I take a risky run in the frost last night. For sure it was chancy, but as always with me, optimism was high.

Our plan was 10K, which pretty much is the perimeter of Limavady, using the bypass and as far up as Whitehill. We started at Roe Valley Leisure Centre, and assessed the frosty paths as we went along for the 1st half mile. Fair enough, it was a bit dodgy but nothing we couldn’t cope with, on we went. Steady does it, and we had a laugh as we went along. We chatted more on a 10K jog than we would have if we went for dinner haha. Perfect date night I thought (bet Andrea doesn’t agree) 😉

We both ran comfortably enough, we kept the pace down to make sure we didn’t take any risks of hitting black ice, and ultimately resulting in injury.

Today is a relaxed day, with a little swim later this evening. Mervyn and I have organised a teamed 5K run tomorrow morning for our Triathlon Club, and I don’t want to be tired for that, lol. Big performance will be needed, you’ll hear all about it soon 🙂andi 10k


  1. WalkToRio says:

    Sounds like the perfect date indeed.

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